Animated Stroke Order of 奋:

stroke order animation of 奋

Radical:大     Strokes:8

Pinyin & Definition:

fènexert oneself

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 奋:
exert oneself
奋不顾身to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers
regardless of perils
奋乃静perphenazine; trilafon
奋争To seize with great effort.
奋击strike out with great force
奋力to do everything one can
to spare no effort
one's best
to summon up courage and determination
using extreme force of will
奋勇前进to advance courageously
奋勉make a determined effort
奋发to rouse to vigorous action
energetic mood
奋发图强to work energetically for prosperity (of the country)
奋发有为be promising and diligent in one's work; be enthusiastic and press on
奋战to fight bravely
奋斗to strive
to struggle
奋斗到底to struggle to the very end
奋斗终身to work and fight all one's life
奋武扬威a show of strength
奋激be roused to enthusiasm
奋然energetic; animated
奋笔疾书to write at a tremendous speed