Animated Stroke Order of 找:

stroke order animation of 找

Radical:扌     Strokes:7

Pinyin & Definition:

zhǎoto try to find/to look for/to call on sb/to find/to seek/to return/to give change

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 找:
to try to find
to look for
to call on sb
找不到can't find
找不开have no small change
找不着to be unable to find
找不自在to ask for trouble
to bring misfortune on oneself
找事to look for employment
to pick a quarrel
找借口to look for a pretext
找出to find
to search out
找到to find
找刺儿to find fault
找台阶to offer a chance to extricate oneself from an awkward position
找台阶儿to find an excuse
to look for a pretext
找回get back; retrieve
找头change (from money paid)
找婆家look for a husband
找对象to seek a marriage partner
looking for a mate
找寻to look for
to seek
to find fault
找岔子to look for blemishes
to find fault
找工作to job-hunt; to look for a job
找平to level (ground)
to make level