Animated Stroke Order of 赠:

stroke order animation of 赠

Radical:贝     Strokes:16

Pinyin & Definition:

zèngto give as a present/to repel/to bestow an honorary title after death (old)

Related Chinese characters:

Words with Chinese Character 赠:
to give as a present
to repel
to bestow an honorary title after death (old)
赠与to favor
to gift
to grant
赠书presentation copy
赠予to give a present
to accord (a favor)
to grant
赠予国donor country
赠别present a friend with gifts, poems, etc. at parting
赠券gift coupon; a complimentary ticket; coupon stock; gift coupons; coupon; annie oakley; complimentary ticket
赠品largess; present; lagnappe; prezzie; pressie; offering offering; populace; gift; extra gift; bonus; donation; special offer; free gift
赠答present each other with gifts, poems
赠芍to give peonies
fig. exchange of gifts between lovers
赠言words of advice given at parting
赠送give as a present
present as a gift
赠送仪式presentation ceremony
赠送的complimentary (adjective)
given free as courtesy
赠阅given free by the publisher; free copy